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Wellness That's Close to Your Soul


Heather Grzych
Dec 22, 20133 min read
Figuring out if you are healthy or not
For many people, gauging health goes like this: Do I feel good or bad? If I feel bad, is there an over-the-counter drug I can take to...

Heather Grzych
Nov 27, 20132 min read
How to create long-lasting change and be healthy
Life gets busy. We fill our time with so many activities – work, play, taking care of family, showering, eating, TV, reading… The list...

Heather Grzych
Nov 21, 20131 min read
Heather on Om Boston: What your breathing is doing to your yoga practice
Read Heather's posting on Om Boston: What your breathing is doing to your yoga practice
Heather Grzych
Nov 7, 20131 min read
Slow down to reduce stress and prevent injury
In a former life, I was an outfielder on a softball team. There were times I fielded the ball well, and times I didn't. Whenever I didn't...

Heather Grzych
Oct 31, 20132 min read
Cancer, sleep and yoga
As breast cancer awareness month comes to a close, I am finding myself recalling my maternal grandmother, who died of breast cancer that...

Heather Grzych
Oct 22, 20132 min read
Benefits of private yoga
When I tell people I'm a yoga teacher, so many of them respond by telling me that they practice yoga too or by saying, "I need to get...
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