Looking for the Path to Better Health?
Sign up for a free 45-minute one-on-one Ayurvedic Wellness Breakthrough Session
with Heather Grzych, MAAy, CAP
You will know exactly what you need to do to move towards better health – better digestion, skin, energy or fertility and overall health. If you are ready to INVEST IN YOURSELF and are curious about Ayurveda, then this strategy session is for you.
Learn about your unique Ayurvedic constitutional type - and why other wellness fads haven't worked for you.
Improve your health naturally - and have the changes stick!
Determine if you should focus on cleansing or rejuvenation first.

Erica had several health issues that prompted her doctor to recommend going on the birth control pill to control her hormones. When she wanted to get off the birth control pill, we revamped her health routines - diet, sleep, exercise, work and seasonal routines - and started herbal medicine according to her constitution, so that her health conditions would not reemerge when she got off the pill. Now she has an understanding of how to prevent imbalances and enjoys natural health that feels effortless - because she understands Ayurveda.
Other women and men have established improved vitality again after only a week of working together in one of my cleanse or rejuvenation programs.
Submit the form below to sign up for a free Breakthough Session with me and get started!
There is absolutely no reason you need to feel this way and I will show you how getting creative and making some small tweaks can give you big results when you invest in yourself. Even if you feel stuck or like you've done all you can already, contact me anyway -- you will be surprised by what you find out when you work with me.